Monday, February 05, 2007

Bearer Share

A stock certificate which is the property of whoever happens to be in possession of it at any given time. Accordingly, no record of ownership is maintained by the issuing company.

Bearer shares are corporation stock certificates which are owned simply by the person who holds them, the "Bearer".
When corporations first came into existence, most shares were bearer shares. If you wanted to protect your interest in the corporation, you had to protect your bearer share certificates. To protect against theft and fraud, corporations starting keeping a register of the owners of the bearer shares which were issued, and notice had to be sent to the secretary of the corporation to record the change in ownership. Eventually, the corporation's stock ledger determined ownership, and shares only facilitated the transfer of ownership (and, indeed, today few people ever see the stock shares they own). Eventually, most U.S. states even dropped the provisions allowing bearer shares.
But recently they have made a comeback, spurred on by the so-called asset protection sector and those seeking privacy. Nevada, for instance, has built a healthy incorporation industry because Nevada corporation law allows bearer shares.
And the offshore jurisdictions have always allowed bearer shares; indeed, almost all the offshore corporation providers presume that offshore corporations will be issued with bearer shares only (and often send our clients corporations with bearer shares even when we specifically request otherwise).
But does the fact that you can get a corporation with bearer shares both in the U.S. and in the offshore jurisdictions mean that you should use bearer shares? No -- except in very specific circumstances you should avoid them like the plague.
For bearer shares suffer from a couple of very serious defects.
Presumption of Ownership -- Asset Protection
Of course, most structures utilizing bearer shares are for tax avoidance/evasion (or as Denver attorney Barry Engel says, "avoision") purposes, and asset protection only plays a secondary role (if at all). However, sometimes bearer shares are utilized primarily for asset protection purposes.
In either case, this is discouraged. Our real-world experience both in attacking and defending bearer share structures is that judges eventually gravitate towards the position that if they can't figure out who owns the corporation, they will presume that the defendant owns the corporation -- then the bearer shares become counterproductive because the burden is on the defendant to prove that someone else owns the corporation.
The Upshot: You are much better off having some identifiable person own the corporation (even if only in a nominee capacity) than you are to have nobody own the corporation.
Presumption of Ownership -- Income Tax
The first horrible tax trap for bearer shares is the IRS's ability to make a jeopardy assessment that the entire value of a bearer instrument is income, if the IRS catches you in possession of the instrument and you have denied ownership.
For instance, let's assume that you make $10 million on a stock deal, and like a good taxpayer pay your capital gains tax in that year. But then -- because you fear divorce -- you take your $10 million and you put it into a Bahamas IBC which is owned by bearer shares. The $10 million grow to $20 million in a couple of years. Unfortunately, your wife gets into your safe deposit box, and the IRS finds out about the bearer shares. Under IRC 6867, the IRS simply taxes the entire amount (not just the growth) at 39.6% plus penalties. And you will probably spend the remaining amount for criminal defense attorneys to fight the subsequent charges of tax evasion.
Gift Taxes
The second horrible tax trap is this: Every time bearer shares are handed over to and from a U.S. person -- except for a bona fide sale for value -- gift taxes must be paid! And, of course, if there is a sale then capital gains taxes must be paid.
For example, let's say you have $10 million in the Bahamas IBC as set forth above. You think you are about to get divorced, so you give the shares to your brother to hold for awhile. In the divorce proceedings, you answer "no" when asked if you own any foreign stock interests. After the divorce proceedings are over, your brother gives the shares back to you. Easy enough, eh?
Not quite. From a federal gift tax standpoint, in approximate numbers here's what happened:
First, when you gave the bearer shares to your brother, you triggered a 55% gift tax, meaning that you now owe $5.5 million to Uncle Sam.
Second, when your brother gave the bearer shares back, he triggered a 55% gift tax (again on the $10 million value), meaning that he now owes $5.5 million to Uncle Sam.
Thus, your simple little transfer to your brother and back triggered a total of $11 million in federal gift tax liability to you and your brother -- meaning that you and your brother are now $1 million in the hole! Needless to say, you would have done much better to split the $10 million with your ex-spouse in the divorce proceedings.
And if you don't report and pay the taxes generated by handing these shares back-and-forth it is big-time tax evasion. So, if you hear someone talk about bearer shares, ask them whether giving the shares to someone triggers federal gift taxes. If they say either "no" or that they don't know, then they have sufficiently displayed their ignorance in this area such that you should be quickly running away from them.
Foreign Transaction Reporting
Additionally, the unreported transfer of bearer shares across the U.S. border can be argued to violate the Treasury Department requirements for transactions in excess of $10,000, i.e., if you hold bearer shares for a corporation having more than $10,000 in value, you must report the shares when you bring them into or take them out of the country, or else face steep fines and possible criminal penalties.
Bearer Shares Are A Tool
Notwithstanding the foregoing, bearer shares are a tool and in certain circumstances can serve their purposes. But they should be avoided most planning purposes, and when they are utilized the downside should be carefully discerned in advance.
Bearer SharesShares which are owned by and give all their rights to the holder (the "bearer"), which ownership is not recorded on the company's books. Because of their primary uses for money laundering and tax evasion, nearly all jurisdictions have abolished bearer shares in favor of registered shares, the ownership of which are recorded on the company's books so that physical issuance of the shares is in many ways superfluous.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

No Par Value Shares

What is Par Value?
A business corporation must sell shares of stock in order to capitalize the corporation, that is, provide the corporation with its own capital, separate from the money of its owners. This separation provides part of the support for shielding the shareholders from personal liability for the debts and obligations of the corporation.
Shares of stock sold by the corporation represent proportionate ownership interests held by shareholders in the corporation. "Par value" is a dollar value assigned to shares of stock which is the minimum amount for which each share may be sold. There is no minimum or maximum value that must be assigned. Shares may also have "no par value," which means that the Board of Directors will assign a value to the stock below which the shares cannot be issued.
There is no minimum number of shares that must be authorized in the articles of incorporation. One or more shares may be authorized. However, the corporation may not sell more shares than it is authorized to issue and it must receive consideration in exchange for its shares.

What is no Par Value Stock?

Since par value more or less means the price to be paid for the shares when purchased from the corporation, no par value stock is stock for which no fixed price is set. This is usually the case in small corporations where the owners issue themselves a number of shares and simply infuse money in the corporation when needed.
Corporations issue no par stock for flexibility. If the corporation's stock has no par value, then there is no set "price" for the stock. In this case, the directors can raise the "price" of the stock when the corporation becomes more valuable. You see, with no par value stock, the directors decide how much must be paid for the stock each time it is issued to a shareholder.
Must Stock Have a Par Value?
No. Most often in a small business corporation the stock is called "no par value stock" which simply means that there is no set amount of payment required to purchase the stock of the corporation. Each time stock is issued, the directors will decide how much must be received for the shares.

What is the difference between "par" and "no par" stock ?
Par value stock has a stated value on its face. No par value stock has no stated value and its worth depends on what an investor is willing to pay.